padded_iDCT3D Padded Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform 3-Dimensional
Performs the inverse DCT, but adds zeroed frequencies, i.e. padds the spectral representation on the right with zeros and calls the iDCT3D layer.
Arguments: - in1: int, specifying the inputs’ first dimension; - in2: int, specifying the inputs’ second dimension; - in3: int, specifying the inputs’ third dimension; - out1: int, specifying the outputs’ first dimension; - out2: int, specifying the outputs’ second dimension; - out3: int, specifying the outputs’ third dimension;
Methods: - call: returns the spatial representation of the input, with a higher resolution; - get_config: returns a dictionary with the configuration needed to serialize the layer; - from_config: returns a padded_iDCT3D instanced class with the configuration received;