This class implements the EEG to fMRI Synthesis model proposed in this paper.
- *latent_shape*: tuple, specifying the latent dimension which is the output shape of the EEG encoder, as well as the fMRI encoder; - *input_shape*: tuple, specifying the dimension of the EEG input, typically it follows the (Channels, Frequency, Time) representation; - *na_spec*: tuple, Please refer to the next subsection for a clear description of a neural architecture specification; - *n_channels*: int, specifying the number of filters/channles to use in the convolutional layers for the EEG encoder; - *weight_decay*: float, this is the value used for the weight decay for the L2 regularizers of each layer; - *skip_connections*: bool, specifies if skip connections are used in the [Resnet-18 block layers](; - *batch_norm*: bool, specifies if convolutions are followed by batch normalization layers; - *dropout*: bool, specifies if a [Dropout]( of $$p=5$$ is used after each Resnet-18 block; - *local*: bool, specifies if one uses either [Convolutional]( (if True) layers or [Locally Connected]( layers (if False). Please see this [paper]( for more information on Locally Connected layers; - *fourier_features*: bool, specifies the use of fourier features on the EEG latent representation, $$z_x$$; - *random_fourier*: bool, specifies the use of [Random Fourier features]( It requires *fourier_features* to be True; - *conditional_attention_style*: bool, specifies the use of the attention scores in the latent representation of the EEG, by usage of the [Hadamard product](, simplifies in tensorflow to ```tf.Tensor * tf.Tensor```; - *conditional_attention_style_prior*: bool, specifies if the vector used to perform the product with the $$z_x$$, is either $$W$$ (if False), i.e. the attention scores, or an $$w$$ that is learnable (if True); - *inverse_DFT*: bool, specifies if in the Decoder part, a DCT upsampling mechanism is used. In particular, this flag enables the use of the [iDCT3D]( layer; - *DFT*: bool, similarly, this flag enables the use of the [DCT3D]( layer; - *variational_iDFT*: bool, similarly, this flag enables the use of the [variational_iDCT3D]( layer; - *aleatoric_uncertainty*: bool, specifies the use of [tfp.layers.DenseFlipout]( as a Decoder (if DFT is False) and/or the an additional output to represent $$\hat{\sigma}(x_i)$$, by doing ```tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=tf.keras.activations.exponential)```; - *variational_coefs*: tuple, specifies the number of additional coefficients to add to the resolution, should be a tuple (R_1, R_2, R_3) with \forall i \in \{1, 2, 3\}: R_i < M_i-N_i, where M is the upsampled resolution and N the downsampled; - *variational_dist*: str, specifies the distribution from which to sample the coefficients. Currently only the Von Mises is supported; - *variational_iDFT_dependent*: bool, specifies if the high sampled resolutions have a dependency, implemented from an attention mechanism, from the lower resolutions; - *variational_iDFT_dependent_dim*: int, specifies the dimension of the attention mechanism. This simplifies to a sum of sinusoids, i.e. a sum of the number of sinusoids specified by this argument; - *resolution_decoder*: float, specifies the downsampled resolution; - *low_resolution_decoder*: bool, flag to set the low resolution decoder mechanism to true; - *topographical_attention*: bool, specifies if the topographical attention mechanism is used; - *seed*: int, specifies the seed from which the random generator starts; - *fmri_args*: tuple, contains the arguments given to the fMRI encoder part of the model. Please refer to the fmri_ae documentation;
Neural Architecture Specification
NA_specification - tuple - (list1, list2, bool, tuple1, tuple2) * list1 - kernel sizes * list2 - stride sizes * bool - maxpool * tuple1 - kernel size of maxpool * tuple2 - stride size of maxpool
na = ([(2,2,2), (2,2,2)], [(1,1,1), (1,1,1)], True, (2,2,2), (1,1,1))
This na
is a neural architecture with 2 layers, kernel of size 2 for all 3 dimensions stride of size 1 for all dimensions, between each layer a max pooling operation is applied with kernel size 2 for all dimensions and stride size 1 for all dimensions
Example build
from models.eeg_to_fmri import EEG_to_fMRI
model = EEG_to_fMRI((7,7,7),