This class implements an fMRI autoencoder.


- *latent_shape*: tuple, specifying the latent dimension which is the output shape of the fMRI;
- *input_shape*: tuple, specifying the dimension of the fMRI input, typically it follows the (X-Referential, Y-Referential, Z-Referential) representation;
- *kernel_size*: tuple, specifying the size of the kernel size. This argument is deprecated and no longer influences the architecture, see NA specification;
- *stride_size*: tuple, specifying the size of the stride size. This argument is deprecated and no longer influences the architecture, see NA specification;
- *n_channels*: int, specifying the number of filters/channles to use in the convolutional layers for the fMRI encoder;
- *max_pool*: float, this is the value used for the weight decay for the L2 regularizers of each layer;
- *batch_norm*: bool, specifies if convolutions are followed by batch normalization layers;
- *weight_decay*: float, this is the value used for the weight decay for the L2 regularizers of each layer;
- *skip_connections*: bool, specifies if skip connections are used in the [Resnet-18 block layers](;
- *dropout*: bool, specifies if a [Dropout]( of $$p=5$$ is used after each Resnet-18 block;
- *n_stacks*: int, specifies the number of Resnet blocks to use in the encoder. This argument is deprecated and no longer influences the architecture, see NA specification;
- *local*: bool, specifies if one uses either [Convolutional]( (if True) layers or [Locally Connected]( layers (if False). Please see this [paper]( for more information on Locally Connected layers;
- *local_attention*: bool, if True uses a self attention mechanism in the latent representation. This argument is deprecated and was not validated in research;
- *outfilter*: int, $$\in \{0,1,2\}$$, specifies what type of output filter is used to correct the representation. Default is a 1x1 Conv3D layer;
- *seed*: int, specifies the seed from which the random generator starts;
- *_build_decoder*: bool, specifies if the decoder is built or not. This is because this class is used to build the fMRI encoder for the EEG_to_fMRI model;
- *na_spec*: tuple, Please refer to the next subsection for a clear description of a neural architecture specification;