ResBlock Resnet Block (He et al. 2015)
This layer specifically incorporates kernel and stride size information for each layer/block with the well known Resnet-18 Block.
Arguments: - operation: tf.keras.layer.Layer, can be either a convolution or a locally connected convolution; - kernel_size: tuple, tuple of integers specifying the size of the sliding window. It has the same length of the length accepted by the operation layer; - stride_size: tuple, tuple of integers specifying the stride jump of the kernel window; - n_channels: int, spcifies the size of the channels/filters dimension; - max_pool: bool, specifies if the operation layer is followed by a Maxpooling operation; - batch_norm: bool, specifies if the operation or max_pool layer is followed by a BatchNormalization layer; - weight_decay: float, specifies the decay used in a L2 regularization; - skip_connections: bool, specifies if the block has a skip connections that resembles the residual connection; - max_pool_k: tuple, tuple of integers specifying the size of the sliding window for the maxpool operation; - max_pool_s: tuple, tuple of integers specifying the jump of the sliding window for the maxpool operation; - seed: int, specifies the intiialization seed for a random generator; - kwargs: dict, additional arguments;
Methods: - __init__: initializes the class; - set_layers: resembles the build method of a tf.keras.layers.Layer; - call: returns the output of a forward pass of a complete resnet-18 block; - lrp: propagates relevances from the output to the input of this layer block; - get_config: returns a dictionary with the configuration needed to serialize the layer; - from_config: returns a ResBlock instanced class with the configuration received;